The Hood lab is hiring an technician to begin Aug 2023!
We are hiring a full-time technician to manage our wild-derived house mouse colony and copepod stocks. The technician will be responsible...

December 2021 - A White-crowned Sparrow holiday adventure
We took a final trip to CA for our current migration study. For this trip, we collected migrants in Davis and non-migrants in the Marine...

Septemer 2021 - Migratory and non-migratory White-crowned sparrows.
We went back to CA to collect samples from non-migrant Nuttalls White-crowned Sparrows in the Marine Headlands, just north of the Golden...

June 2021 - Speciation and duck hybridization in the Catskills.
The Hood and Hill labs traveled to New York to collect samples from Mallards, Muscovy Ducks, and their hybrids to test the impact of...

April 2021 - Congrats Ashley and KayLene!
Congratulations to Ashley Williams (bottom right) and KayLene (top right). Ashley won the Department of Biological Sciences service award...

April 2021 - White-crowned sparrow research in Davis, CA
We had an excellent collecting trip in Davis! It turns out that white-crowned sparrows getting ready to migrate to Alaska have phenomenal...

March 2021 - Congrats Kyle!
Congratulations Kyle Heine! Kyle won the Dean's Graduate Student Research Award! Way to go!

August 2020 - Welcome Emma!
Welcome Emma Rhodes - the newest graduate student in the Hood lab. Emma is a graduate of the University of South Alabama and a master...