Physiological ecology of development, reproduction, longevity, and performance
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Courses taught at Auburn:

BIOL5760 Mammalogy
Taught by Hood every fall, beginning fall 2019
Mammalogy is an integrative biology course. The material will bridge evolutionary biology, ecology, anatomy, and physiology. Students will learn to identify local mammals and the material presented in class will highlight examples from research on mammals to give context to the topics covered in lecture and lab. The lecture and lab for this class are concurrent.
Alabama Mammals List
BIOL3101 Comparative Anatomy
Taught by Hood every fall, 2012-2018
The objective of this course is to introduce students to all of the major anatomical systems in vertebrates, emphasizing how structure implements function and the inferred evolutionary history of these systems. This course includes a lab in which students gain skills in dissection and tissue handling and learned to identify anatomical structures
BIOL7550 Physiological Ecology of Reproduction
Offered every other spring, Odd years. Co-taught with Dr. Haruka Wada
The objectives of this course are to 1) review and critically evaluate several 'hot' topics in physiological ecology and 2) hone skills that are critical to success in academia. Students learn skills in writing, developing novel research questions, giving a presentation, defending their ideas, and peer-review.
BIOL5750 Ornithology
Dr. Hood covered for Dr. Hill in spring 2014 & 2018.

Courses taught at Coastal Carolina University 2002-2007:
Undergraduate Level Courses
Biological Sciences II
Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
Undergraduate / Graduate Level Courses
Animal Behavior
Graduate Level Courses
Special Topics in Vertebrate Sampling and Collection
Reproduction, a Model for Integrating Biological Disciplines