June 2016 - Hood presents at Evolution, A new pub.
Wendy presented at the Evolution meeting in Austin, TX. A re-evaluation of the predictions and mechanisms that underlie the interactions...
May 2016 - Congrats!
Congratulations to all of the Hood lab undergrads that are graduating this semester! In addition, congrats to Mary Kash and Kayla Frey...
April 2016 - Outstanding graduate mentor award
Wendy was awarded the Auburn Graduate School outstanding mentor award. This is a huge honor. Many thanks to the students who nominated me.
February 2016 - Tenured!
Wendy was awarded tenure! A huge thank you to all of the students who have worked hard to help the Hood lab be productive.
January 2016 - Welcome Chloe, Hood lab goes to SICB
The Hood lab welcomes long time Hood lab affiliate and PhD Student, Chloe Josefson, as official a member of the Hood lab. Wendy Hood,...
Nov 2015 - PhD positions available
The Hood lab is looking to recruit 2 PhD students to study mitochondrial function in relation to the tradeoff between reproduction and...
July 2015 - Chih-Wei defends, Welcome Dr Yufeng Zhang
On July 6th, Chih-Wei defended his masters thesis! Way to go Chih-Wei! Chih-Wei will be entering a PhD program in molecular biology at...
June 2015 - Annelise defends her Masters thesis.
Congratulations to Annelise Mowry who successfully defended her masters thesis June 4th!