The Hood lab welcomes long time Hood lab affiliate and PhD Student, Chloe Josefson, as official a member of the Hood lab.
Wendy Hood, Alex Conte, and Chloe Josefson all presented at the SICB meeting in Portland, OR.
Oral presentation: Hood, WR, AV Mowry, AN Kavazis. 2016. Tissue-specific variation in mitochondrial function and implications for the costs of reproduction. 2016.
Poster presentation: Josefson, CC, AB Bentz, WR Hood, H Wada. 2016. Epigenetic and neuroanatomical changes associate with early-life exposure to exogenous corticosterone in Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) nestlings.
Poster presentation: Conte, AN, EM Welling, AN Kavazis, WR Hood. 2016. A test of the relationship between oxidative damage and energy expenditure in a passerine bird.