Welcome Annelise Morwy! Annelise is a new PhD student in the lab and the recipient of an AU CMB fellowship.
Alex Bentz received a research grant from the North American Bluebird Society. Congrats!
Welcome back Dr Amy Skibiel! Amy accepted a position at Auburn as Humand A& P lecturer.
Wendy is teaching Comparative Anatomy this fall.
May 2013
Congratulations Mark Sadler (COSAM undergrad research fellow), May Morgan Poundstone (AASD-STEM), and Michael Hobensack (Delta Chi) who all received fellowships to work in the lab this summer and beyond.
Congrats to all of the Hood lab ungrads who graduated this spring!
April 2013
Dr Hood gave an invited presentation in the 'Bone physiology under environmental stress' symposium at the Experiment Biology meeting in Boston and a seminar at Texas Tech University.
Aubrey Sirman was awarded a CMB Peaks of Excellence Summer Research Fellowship. Congrats Aubrey!
March 2013
The Hood lab welcomes Dr Greg Florant from Colorado State University to Auburn for a seminar.
January 2013
Dr Hood presented Amy's thesis work on ground squirrel energetics work at SICB in San Franscico.
The Hood lab welcomes Dr. Julie Richmond from Univ of North Florida to Auburn for a seminar.
Dr Hood and Dr Haruka Wada offer a new course - 'Reproductive Physiology, Ecology, and Evolution' - a current topics course for grad students and advanced undergrads.
Amy's ground squirrel milk paper is published in the Journal of Mammalogy.
August 2012
Alex Bentz (PhD student), Chih-Wei Chen (MS student) and Aubrey Sirman (MS student) join the lab.
Dr Hood will be teaching Comparative Anatomy this semester.
July 2012
Congrats Matt Ramirez! NSF had extra funds and turned his honorable mention to a full NSF pre-doctoral fellowship! A much deserved award - great job Matt!
Dr Hood presented a talk and poster on Amy Skibiel's PhD work at the Comparative Nutrition Society meeting in Pacific Grove, CA.
June 2012
Christina Schmidt's paper 'Calcium availability influences litter size and sex ratio in white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus)' has been accepted for publication in PLoS One.
Amy Skibiel's paper on 'Milk composition in a hibernating rodent, the Columbian ground squirrel (Urocitellus columbianus)' has been accepted for publication at Journal of Mammalogy.
Dr Hood's paper 'A Test of Bone Mobilization Relative to Reproductive Demand: Skeletal Quality Is Improved in Cannibalistic Females with Large Litters' has just been published in Physiological and Biochemical Zoology.
Dr Hood will be presenting at the Comparative Nutrition Society meeting in Monterey, CA in July.
The Hood lab has weaned another PhD - Dr Skibiel congrats on an awesome job!
Please join us for Amy Skibiel's PhD defense - Monday, June 11, 10 AM, Funches 246.
Mouse world is complete and our mice have arrived from the Pott's lab! We're excited to see this project finally getting started.
April 2012
Congratulations Christina Schimidt! Christina has been awarded a post-doc at the University of Pretoria. She will be joining Nigel Bennett's lab and will work on mole rats.
Welcome new grad students! Alex Bentz, Chih-Wei Chen, and Aubrey Sirman will be joining the Hood lab in the fall.
Mouse world in nearly complete.
Spring bluebird insanity has begun! The birds were early and have been quite synchonous this year. Busy times!
March 2012
Congratulations Alex Bentz and Matt Ramirez! Alex will be joining the Hood lab in the fall. Alex has been awarded both a NSF pre-doctoral award and a CMB fellowship! Great job Alex! Matt received honorable mention for his NSF pre-doc fellowship.
Our study on litter size and bone metabolism has been accepted for publication in Physiological and Biochemical Zoology.
Congratulations Matt Ramirez! Matt will be going to Oregon State University for his masters.
Congratulations Amy Skibiel! Amy has accepted a post-doc in Katie Hinde's lab at Harvard University.
This spring we will be studying stress and development in Eastern Bluebirds with Dr Haruka Wada.
January 2012
Dr Hood will be giving a presentation in the Animal Sciences department at Auburn on Jan 20th, 3PM, and at the University of New Orleans Jan 30th. She will be out of the office Jan 30-Feb 1.
Amy Skibiel, Matt Ramirez, and Dr Hood presented at SICB in Charleston, SC Jan 3-7, 2012.
Dr Hood will be teaching Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Fall 2012.
November 2011
Congratulations to Dr. Christina Schmidt - the first PhD weaned from the Hood lab.
Nov 8th, noon, 247 Funchess - Christina Schmidt will defend her PhD thesis! Auburn folks - Please join us for her presentation titled: The effects of dietary calcium and skeletal calcium availability on reproductive performance in mammals.
October 2011
Dr Hood will be giving a presentation at the Museu de Ciències Naturals in Barcelona Spain. She will be out of the office Oct 16-21.
September 2011
A leucistic Ruby-throated hummingbird was recently seen in Opelika - chick here see photos.
Dr Hood will give a presentation on bluebirds Sat, Sept 17 at Auburn Univ. 'Arboretum Days.'
August 2011
Construction of our new flight cages is complete. Thank you Kaytee for this generous donation.
THANK YOU to all of the hummingbird enthusiasts that allowed us to collect juvenile birds from their yard.
July 2011
Hummingbird electrolyte study, phase II begins.
At AOU, Hood and Hill each took 1st place in the master's division in the Ostrich Uproar 5K and as a team took 2nd in the kayaking race.
Dr. Hood presented a poster at AOU titled 'Electrolyte and water balance in the ruby-throated hummingbird''.
Amy Skibiel completed her final field season for her PhD in Canada.
Field research for bluebird project ends.
June 2011
Bluebird field study, phase II begins.
May 2011
Congratulations to the Hood lab graduates: Matt Ramirez, Lauren Downing, Sarah Hand, Daly Latham, Jake McNeal and Dragos Rezeanu.
Matt Ramirez moved to North Carolina to complete an internship on sea turtles on Bald Island.
Amy Skibiel received an American Society of Mammalogist grant-in-aid of research award.